Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ron Paul

Write in Ron Paul, if you don’t know who he is find out now. This Texas man is for real

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Anonymous said...

Meetup Announcement
The Ventura Ron Paul Liberty Patriots
Your group has a Meetup Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:00 PM!

The Ventura Ron Paul Liberty Patriots September Meetup

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:00 PM

Topping Room
651 E. Main Street
Ventura CA 93001
RSVP Deadline

Your organizer has set an RSVP deadline for this event. You have until September 23, 2008 7:00 PM to RSVP.



Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group
"Great. Best attendence I've seen."

— Bruce Bell
"It's great to meet and speak with other liberty minded folk's.Please don't give up.This movement is just getting started.We can change America!"

— Dana mclorn

Learn more about this Meetup
Meetup Description

To all Ron Paul Meetup Supporters, Patriots and newcomers,

Our next Meetup will be at the Topping Room at 651 E. Main Street in Ventura at 7pm on Wednesday September 24th. The Topping Room is adjacent to the Main Library in downtown Ventura. More details to come later.
This is a grass roots action and is open to the public.
See you all there!

Anonymous said...

From: Russ Verney,

Bob Barr Shows Leadership to Unify Liberty Movement

Asks Paul to Run as his Vice President

Atlanta, GA - Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party nominee for president, has invited GOP Congressman Ron Paul to be his running mate in the upcoming election. In a letter sent to Paul, Barr called Paul one of the "few American patriots" who exist in today's society, and asked him to "seriously consider this final offer as an opportunity to show true, lasting leadership beyond party politics."

Barr cited Paul's 1987 letter to then-GOP Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf, in which Paul stated that, "after years of trying to work through the Republican Party both in and out of government. . . concluded that efforts must be carried on outside the Republican Party."

Though recognizing Paul's personal investment in the Republican Party and his recent attempts to reform the party from inside, Barr said he disagreed with Paul's strategy. "Better options remain that will carry a message of liberty onto the ballot in November and beyond," Barr stated, adding at a news conference called today at the National Press Club, that "change in politics and public policy in America cannot and will not be done from within the current, two-party system."

Barr continued, "'The status quo will not change the status quo' and impact comes entirely from gaining votes in the General Election." That is why Barr said he would remain focused on the Libertarian Party's electoral effort and clear message, and why he invited Paul to join him.

"While you declined my offer to seek the Libertarian presidential nomination many months ago, I ask that you seriously consider this final offer as an opportunity to show true, lasting leadership beyond party politics," Barr stated in his letter to Paul.

Barr's running mate, Wayne Allyn Root, expressed support: "As the Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee, I believe in one thing above all else-principle. There can be no compromise on the ideals of limited government, lower taxes, lower spending, and more freedom for the American people. Those are the principles to which I've dedicated my life. The GOP and Democratic candidates only give lip service-at best-to these ideals and principles. It is only an act at election time every four years."

"I want to end the charade once and for all," Root continued. "I am willing to sacrifice anything to advance the cause of liberty, freedom, smaller government and to enable the American taxpayer to keep more of their own money and property. Understanding Dr. Ron Paul's reputation and name recognition in the freedom movement, I am willing to step aside as Libertarian vice presidential candidate if he would be willing to take my place. I will pledge to work day and night, just as I have as the vice presidential nominee, to support Dr. Paul. I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for the Libertarian and freedom movements. I encourage Dr. Paul to accept Congressman Barr's offer. The campaign is making this offer because we believe there is no sacrifice too large when it comes to improving the lives of the American people and American taxpayers."

Barr's letter to Paul can be found here.

Paul's letter to the GOP can be found here.

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.